University Honors Program

Live, Learn, Achieve

Track Experience

Prior to graduation, Honors students are required to complete a track experience, which can be fulfilled in one of three ways: study abroad, research, or civic engagement. 
See Module 2.9 & 2.10 in the Honors Student Handbook for details.The Track Panel Slides are also a helpful resource for understanding the track experience. 

Steps for satisfying the Honors Track requirement:

  1. Once you know the experience you'd like to count for your Track Experience, obtain approval by completing the Honors Track Proposal form. There are separate forms for Study Away, Research, or Civic Engagement. You can find the forms in Modules 4.4 of the Student Handbook. REMEMBER! You must receive approval BEFORE you begin the experience. Retroactive approval for an experience will not be given.
  2. Once the experience is completed, enroll in HNRS 361. Enroll in any quarter after you complete the experience. If the experience is ongoing then enroll after you have participated in the experience long enough to be able to reflect on the experience.
    • Enrollment in HNRS 361 is by permission only. When you are ready to enroll in HNRS 361 email to request the permission number. You will only receive a permission number IF you have received prior approval for your Track Experience. HNRS 361 is administered entirely online using an asynchronous instructional format.  

Advice and Tips from Honors Students

Study Abroad

Ella and Aly smiling in selfies with quotes about their study away

Check out Ella, Shannon, Aly and Bradley's poster on the Study Abroad Track!




CSU Undergraduate Research Competition Winners Madeleine G. and Ethan G.

Goertz is a math major, and Gutterman is a history major.

Check out Hannah's poster about the Research Track!


Civic Engagement


Check out Julian, Ashely, Henry, and Vittoria's poster on the Community and Civic Engagement Track!

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