University Honors Program

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Tentative Course Offerings AY 2024-25

This is a list of courses tentatively planned for Academic Year 2024-25. Please check back often to see if there are changes to our offerings. For a description of these courses please see Cal Poly's Course Catalog

Course   units

ge Area

(2020-21 Catalogue)

fall winter spring  

HNRS 100 - Introduction to the Honors Community

  2   X      
HNRS 101 - Public Speaking   4 A1 X X    
HNRS 112 - Race, Culture and Politics in the United States   4 D1, USCP   X    
HNRS 120 - Music Appreciation   4 C1   X?    
HNRS 132 - Physics II   4 B1/B3 X X    
HNRS 134 - Physics I   4 B1 X      
HNRS 142 - Calculus II   4 B4 X      
HNRS 143 - Calculus III   4 B4 X X    
HNRS 145 - Reasoning, Argumentation, and Writing   4 A3   X X  
HNRS 147 - Writing Arguments about STEM   4 A3   X X  
HNRS 164 -Sustainability and Communities   4 D2   X    
HNRS 202 - United States History Since 1865   4 D1, USCP X      
HNRS 204 - Gender & Sexuality in US Society and Politics   4 D1, USCP     X  
HNRS 210 - Gender & Sexuality in Visual & Popular Culture   4 C1   X    
HNRS 216 - Comparative Social Movements   4 D2   X    
HNRS 230 - Philosophical Classics: Knowledge and Reality   4 C2   X    
HNRS 231 - Philosophical Classics: Ethics and Political Philosophy   4 C2 X      

HNRS 241 - Calculus IV

  4     X X  
HNRS 244 - Linear Analysis   4       X  
HNRS 261 – Leadership: Self Evaluation   1   X X X  
HNRS 262 - Leadership: Group Dynamics   1          
HNRS 299 - Seminar (see list here)   1   X X X  
HNRS 304 - Values and Technology   4 Upper-Division C     X  
HNRS 317 - The Lure of the Sea   4 Upper-Division D     X  
HNRS 320 -Topics and Issues in Values, Media and Culture   4 Upper-Division C X      
HNRS 325 - Ethics, Science, and Technology*   4 Upper-Division C X      
HNRS 338 - Critical Issues in American Politics   4 Upper-Division D X      
HNRS 340 - Sexuality Studies      Upper-Division D     X  
HNRS 347 - African American Literature   4 Upper-Division C       X  
HNRS 351 – Speech and Debate Team   2   X X X  
HNRS 353 - Gender, Race, Culture, Science, and Technology   4 Upper-Division B, USCP X X    
HNRS 361 – Honors Track Seminar   1   X X    
HNRS 391 - Appropriate Technology for the World’s People: Development   4 Upper-Division D X      
HNRS 392 - Appropriate Technology for the World's People: Design


  4 Upper-Division B     X  
HNRS 461 - Honors Capstone Seminar   1     X X  

*satisfies a major requirement for CSC, SE, and CPE majors

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