University Honors Program

Live, Learn, Achieve

February 3, 2025

Your Honors Curriculum Sheet is NOW Updated!

Honors keeps track of your progress in completing your honors requirements on your Curriculum Sheet. You can find your Curriculum Sheet in the folder we shared with you in your OneDrive. Click on Shared in the right sidebar. For first years, the folder is titled with your last name, first name. For everyone else its titled Honors Progress Reports.

Its a good idea to look it over and make sure what we think you completed is what you think you completed. If you have any questions please email


First round registration for students with Special Exception starts if February 20th!

Check out our calendar of Events for Winter 25 quarter!

Planning your schedule for NEXT QUARTER?

Use the Tentative Course Offerings link to see what Honors courses will be offered in Spring. 

IMPORTANT! If you are planning to graduate in Fall 2025, please plan to take HNRS 461 in SP25!!! We do not offer HNRS 461 in Fall.

Take Advantage of Being an Honors Student!! Take an Honors Seminar this Spring!

One unique aspect to being a member of the Honors Program is access to the 1 unit, credit/no credit Honors Seminars taught by the best instructors at Cal Poly. These seminars are designed to be engaging without a heavy workload. Its a chance to learn about something you might not have considered before. Don't pass up this opportunity! Check out the list for Spring 2025: Honors Seminars 

Save the Date!

For our next event in our Professional Roadmap Series!.

Food Pantry Garden Event!

Did you know that the Food Pantry Garden was started by students in the Honors Program? The Honors program continues to support the garden by funding every year two student assistants. Meet the assistants and learn more about the Food Pantry Garden on our website. AND save the date for their Garden Tea Party next week!

Please Tell Us What You'd Like to see in Honors!

The Honors Program is exploring ways to expand experiential learning opportunities for Honors students. This can include service learning or field trips within courses, study away and study abroad, and undergraduate research. We would greatly appreciate if you'd take the time to complete this short Experiential-Opportunities Survey to provide input on potential initiatives for the Honors Program. It's important to us that we add initiatives to Honors that matter to you!

Seeking a Student Assistant!

The Honors Program is seeking a Student Assistant to help develop a website(s) for Research & Scholarship Opportunities for our Honors community. Rate of pay is $16.50 per hour for up to 5 hours per week. The position is for the Winter and Spring 2025 quarters. If interested, please complete the application below. For full consideration, please submit your application by Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 11:59pm. Honors student applicants must be "in good standing" to be considered. Click on the application link to learn more about the qualifications we are seeking.

Attention First Years!! Mandatory Check In!

To ensure you have a plan and are making good progress toward your Honors Requirements, we are requiring all first years to meet with a Peer Advisor by the end of Spring quarter 2025. Before meeting with the Peer Advisor fill out the 4-Year Check List. You can indicate on the checklist when you plan to complete certain requirements and what you think you will do for your Track and Co-Curriculars. Bring the form with you to your check in and have the Peer Advisor sign and collect the form. First years who do not complete a check by end of Spring 25 quarter will not receive priority registration in WN26.

Would you like to see a Thrift Store on Campus? Get Involved!

Club Events!

Interested in medical school or a health-related career? Join the American Medical Student Association!

We want to feature you in Honors NOW!

The Honors Program is launching a monthly email news brief, Honors NOW, where we will spotlight our students. We want to hear all about the amazing things everyone is doing outside of the classroom. Whether you're involved in an a club, discovering something new, participating in a project, or volunteering, we would love to know! If you are willing to share, please fill out the Honors NOW Student Spotlight form! Don't be shy! You never know. Highlighting your accomplishments is a great way to network!

Join Cal Poly Career Connections Honors Network!

Cal Poly Career Connections is  Cal Poly’s network for students and alumni to connect with one another and share experiences and information. On Cal Poly Career Connections, you can join our Honors Network, connecting you with students that are passionate about interdisciplinary collaboration and alumni that have experience in the job field.

To join us on Cal Poly Career Connections, click on the link in the “My Apps” section of your portal. Create and perfect your profile, and, once you’re in, click on “Groups” in the “Connect” section and join the University Honors Program group! From there, you’ll have full access to a network of Honors students and alumni that are there to help you through your career journey! 

Join the Honors Slack network!

Join us on our new Slack network. This is a space dedicated to current Honors students to connect and collaborate in unique, personal ways. There, we will be publishing the most recent news about the Honors Program, communicating about noteworthy events, and providing a supportive space to share your experiences and make new friends!

If you would like to join us on Slack, click this LINK to join!

Have questions? Ask a Peer Advisor!

We have three wonderful Peer Advisors who are available to answer your questions. Learn more about our Peer Advisors and when they are available each week under the Peer Advising link.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities!

Stay up to date! Follow the Office of Student Research on Instagram @calpolystudentresearch.

Learn about other undergraduate research opportunities at Cal Poly. Check out the Office of Student Research website.


See Module 2.8 of the Student Handbook for more information about Honors required Co-curricular experiences. Please see the Co-Curricular Experiences link under the Current Students tab for the steps to take to fulfill this requirement. We will post new opportunities that you can consider for fulfilling these requirements as they come up.


Follow us on Instagram!

Follow us on our Honors Instagram page!

Check out what's happening at Career Services THIS WEEK!

Don't miss the workshops and events to prepare you for your profession or graduate school. Click on the Career Services website.

How to submit an announcement for the Weekly Update!

If you have an event that you want to share with our Honors Community, please complete the form (see link below). Announcements received by Sunday 11:59pm will be included in the Weekly Update posted on Monday.

Honors Program Information!

Location: Building 52, Room E34 (Honors Commons)
Phone: 805-756-7029

Need someone to talk to?

Reach out to Cal Poly's Counseling Services. They are there to support your emotional health and well being!

Weekly Update Archives Winter 2025 Quarter

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