University Honors Program

Live, Learn, Achieve

April 22, 2024

Honors Instagram Giveaway!!

Three lucky winners (1st place, 2nd place, & 3rd place) will win the prizes shown on this flyer. Honors Instagram

The honors giveaway will START APRIL 22 AT 9AM and END on WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST AT 9AM.

DISCLAIMER: This giveaway is only eligible to current Cal Poly students who are in this Honors Program. We will be verifying all steps and eligibility! Only ONE entry per person. Winners will be selected at random.
Visit our Honors Instagram to learn more!


This Week's Honors Events!

Are you trying to figure out what you will do for your Honors Track or Co-Curricular requirements? Come hear from a panel of students who have completed these requirements; what they did and what they learned.

Check out all the Spring Quarter Honors Events!

Do you have priority registration for Fall 2024?

Cal Poly provides Special Exception Registration Status (i.e. Priority Registration) to first- and second-year students who are members in good standing in the Honors Program. Students with Special Exception status may register first according to Cal Poly's registration appointment schedule. See module 2.12 of the Canvas Honors Handbook to learn more about the requirements to be in good standing to receive Special Exception status. If you do not meet the requirements you will not have special exception status for Spring!

NOTE: If you are a 2nd year student you will NOT have Special Exception for Fall. Your last eligibility was for Spring 2024. Unfortunately the Registrar won't allow beyond 2nd year :( 

First round registration for students with Special Exception starts if May 20th!

Have you completed a Co-Curricular Experience?

To learn more about how to satisfy the Honors Co-Curricular Experience click on the Co-Curricular Experiences link under Current Students on our website.

Seeking Honors Awards Nominations!

The Honors Program is seeking nominations for 3 Awards to be presented at our Graduation Celebration on June 5th. Please consider nominating your favorite faculty and 2 graduating seniors for the following awards. Descriptions are included in the nomination form links below. Nominations DUE MAY 24th.

Outstanding Faculty Member Nomination

Outstanding Graduating Senior Award Nomination

Outstanding Leadership in Honors

Scholarship Opportunities!

Employment Opportunities

Safer is hiring for our 2024-25 student team! They are seeking 12 undergraduates (6 paid leads, 6 interns). Applications are due by May 3rd. They are seeking highly motivated students who are passionate about violence prevention and survivor support. Students can learn more about the positions, recruitment timeline, steps to apply, and all forms on our website at

Add Community Service to your Cal Poly Transcript!

Get credit for your community service participation put on your University Transcript! To get credit, you must complete a minimum of 150 hours over the course of your time at Cal Poly. Hours completed over the summer or other academic breaks still count towards these hours, as long as you get them signed off by as volunteer supervisor or Cal Poly faculty member. 

The Cal Poly Honors Program wants to make this process as simple as possible for all of its students. The program will keep track of and sign off on all of your hours; just complete this attendance form when you volunteer. We also coordinate exciting volunteer events for Honors students throughout the year. See the list of our latest opportunities here!

Campus Events You Don't Want To Miss!

April is Sexual Assault Action Month (SAAM). Rise Up, Resist, Reclaim!

Save the Date! Spring Graduate Celebration on June 5th!

Graduating Seniors we want to celebrate with you! Our Annual Graduation Celebration will be held on Wednesday June 5th, 5:00-7:00pm in the ATL on campus. Appetizers and beverages will be served. All graduating seniors (includes seniors graduating Winter24/Fall 24) and their family and friends are invited to attend! If you are a graduating senior we will be emailing you more details of the event in the coming weeks.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities!

Stay up to date! Follow the Office of Student Research on Instagram @calpolystudentresearch.

Learn about other undergraduate research opportunities at Cal Poly. Check out the Office of Student Research website.

Planning your schedule for NEXT YEAR??

We have updated the Tentative Course Offerings link to reflect which Honors courses will be able to offer next year in AY 2024-25. Remember this can change as we add new courses so check back frequently.

The Honors Program has added a link to our website where we will post information about Study Abroad. Check out the information we have posted about CSU International Programs and SIT Study Abroad Programs on our Study Abroad link.

Need Advising?

Our Peer Advisors are available in-person or on zoom to answer any questions you have about the Honors program (e.g., Honors requirements, balancing Honors & major requirements, Co-Curricular experiences, Track, etc). Learn more about Peer Advising.


See Module 2.8 of the Student Handbook for more information about Honors required Co-curricular experiences. Please see the Co-Curricular Experiences link under the Current Students tab for the steps to take to fulfill this requirement. We will post new opportunities that you can consider for fulfilling these requirements as they come up.


Follow us on Instagram!

Follow us on our Honors Instagram page!

Check out what's happening at Career Services THIS WEEK!

Don't miss the workshops and events to prepare you for your profession or graduate school. Click on the Career Services website.

Honors Program Information!

Phone: 805-756-7029
  • The Honors copier in Building 116 (Jesperson), Room 212. The copier is connected to computers for anyone who needs to print. The copier will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9am to 4pm. If you need it on Monday or Friday, please email Jenni, to set up a time.
  • Jenni's office is Building 116, Room 212 (with the copier!)
  • Dr. J's temporary office is Building 47, room 23F

Dr. J's Winter Quarter Office Hours:

Tuesdays: In person 1:00 to 2:30pm in my office, Building 47, Room 23F.

Or email to set up a zoom meeting.

Need someone to talk to?

Reach out to Cal Poly's Counseling Services. They are there to support your emotional health and well being!

How to submit an announcement for the Weekly Update!

If you have an event that you want to share with our Honors Community, please complete the form (see link below). Announcements received by Sunday 11:59pm will be included in the Weekly Update posted on Monday.

Weekly Update Archives Spring 2024 Quarter

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